Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Double-Whammy Tuesday!

Howdy fine folks! (if anyone even reads this thing, that is). Because I was passed out on the couch by 8pm last night (woohoo! livin' the life!), I didn't get to update, but I got a gem yesterday. And today was no exception, either. So here goes, double-whammy time:

So myself, the Wonder Tot, & the husband decided to embark on a quest for fun (little did we realize everyone & their sister was crowding all the exclusive clubs, like Monkey Joe's & Chuck E. Cheese), so we were sitting in the car for a while in traffic in one of the busier areas around us. My husband was in the back seat with Aria when he looked over & spotted a car dealership, & this little convo transpired:

Matt: Hey Aria, look! That's a dealership....that's ALOT of cars, huh?
Aria: Wow, lotta cars!!
Matt: Yeah, you can buy one of those cars, if you wanted.
Me: Well, yeah, if you had some money. But those cost alot of money.
*pause as she ponders this*
Aria: That's ok. We can use the money in my piddy bank!! (Translation = piggy bank)

Well...duh. Why didn't I think of that? Think they'll credit the rest of the cost to her cuteness? Meh, it's worth a shot.


Cut to today & my car ride home from daycare with the little one, she starts whining half way through the dire 20 minute ride that she wants a snack, RIGHT. NOW. So after a few minutes of this, finally I decide to distract her with a question, & of course, she has all the answers...

Me: Aria, calm down. I don't have any snacks. All the snacks are in a cabinet at home. Do I have a cabinet in the car?
Aria: Noooo. That's silly. We don't has a cabinet in da car.
*a moment passes as she yet again ponders...*
Aria: We has a fridge in the car? Noooo, that's silly! We has a microwave in the car? Nooo, that's silly!
Me: Do we have a dishwasher in the car? Nooo, that's silly!
Aria: Nice job mummy!! High five! Pounds!

Well. Now I've been approved by the 2.5 year old. Score!


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