Monday, February 27, 2012

You Had A What?!

This is a few days late, but it's so good, I can't NOT share it. So the other night, I gave Aria a Dum-Dum lollipop for being a good girl. The one I happened to grab out of the bag was a mystery flavor, so after sucking on it for a bit, Matt asks her, "Hey, what kind is that?". She showed it to him, he sniffed, took a taste, & then decreed, "Oh, that's butterscotch!"

Aria then proceeded to walk over to me & say, "Look, Momma! It's butter crotch!"


Then the next day in the car, out of NO WHERE, as Aria's mind works (much like her mother's), she starts talking about the lollipop again, but this time...

Aria: "Momma, Daddy, I had a lollipop! I had a butter crotch!"
*shocked faces followed by hysterical laughter*
Matt: "I'm sorry, you had a what?"
Aria: "I said it! I have a butter crotch!"

Oh lawdy....

Here's some proof:


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