Thursday, January 31, 2013

Dramatic Groundhog!

So I walk into the daycare, excited as usual to pick up my love & see what she's come up with today. And as usual, she doesn't disappoint. She's looking busy, playing with a Little People farm set, & I get on my knees to her level & greet her with a, "Hi, Love."

She turns to look at me & says real serious, "Hi Mom. You won't believe it. Today we talked about groundhogs. Did you know if the groundhog doesn't see his shadow, it will NEVER be spring?!"

Concerns of a 3 year old...first world problems, y'all.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I call your bluff, kid.

It's been too long since my last post, but I figure I just have to get into this again. Aria is now that perfect age of 3.5 where there are things coming out of her mouth that I just have to do a double-take when I hear.

Like tonight, I let her play with my 'candle' (Kindle to us normal folk). She was playing Angry Birds while I was filling up her tub & I kept warning her that she only had a few minutes left. So the tub was full, I shut it off, asked her to hand me the Kindle & waited for the meltdown. Sure enough, it came when I had to all but tear it out of her little hands.

Next came one of the funniest things I've heard come out of her. In that little high pitch voice, she announces: "FINE!! Then I'm leaving this house & I'm not coming back!"

To which I reply, "Ok....well, I'm going to miss you lots. Can you make sure to call me if you need anything?"

*hesitation for a moment*

Aria: "Hey Mom, do you like the Beauty & the Beast movie?"

BAHAHHAA!! Mom: 1, Aria: 0

I gloat, but we all know this lead can't last very long...