You've Gotta Be Kidding Me!
Little bit of news for you 'followers' case you didn't know, we had daughter #2 on April 25th. A beautiful, healthy little girl named Morgan. Who someday I'm sure will come up with her own set of lines much like her sister.
It's a double-whammy kinda day. These both happened yesterday, but are too funny to forget...
Scene 1:
We're in the car. Mommy wants a Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee without feeling guilty cuz I've now given birth to little one #2 & can drink away all I want, so we go through the drive-thru. Aria asks for munchkins, so we get the standard 3 & hand her the little baggie for a treat.
She's finished all 3 when she announces, "There's no crumbs in here. You've gotta be kidding me!"
Scene 2:
Aria trips over one of the new baby's little resting seats. I run over to her & ask her if she's ok. Without missing a beat, she looks at the seat & goes, 'Stupid chair!' For some reason, just her tone & context killed me.